About Me

I taught myself how to crochet using YouTube videos in January 2010. Apparently, 2012 is the year to learn quilting!

My backstory...my Mom is a seamstress or expert sewist. She still does alterations from her home. I grew up visiting with her downstairs in her sewing room on a daily basis while growing up. Some moms spend all their time in the kitchen and though my Mother is a crazy excellent cook, most of her time during the day was (and still is) spent in her sewing room.

I always hated cutting out patterns with Mom. We'd unfold the big cardboard pattern sewing cutting board thingy and put it down on the dining room table. We'd unfold the patterns and use pins to secure the pattern to the fabric and then cut with heavy metal shears. It always felt really awkward and I could never get it quite right! I could never cut right on the lines, especially if the pattern had been cut out prior to my arrival!

I've always wanted to explore quilting, but never did because I knew I was horrible at cutting fabric. When my sister started selling designer fabric on Etsy in 2007, she showed me her cutting mat and rotary cutter-brilliant!

Recently, I bought my daughter a mini sewing machine and SPARK! A new passion was ignited IN ME! I started buying fabric and now I'm quilting happily with my very own cutting mat, rotary cutter and brand new (big girl) sewing machine (thank you Grampa)!

I love coordinating the fabrics, designing patterns and doing the piecework for new projects. Quilting requires many computations and since I actually enjoy math, I really like that part of quilting. This blog is a place for me to collect and document my projects. In fact, I include all our family's sewing projects here, as well. Thanks for visiting and enjoy! Come back soon!
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